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Jump Saddles

For the Rider, the Xtreme monoflap is a dream ride with extraordinary closeness and leg stability. It also features a unique knee pad that opens in front and allows you to choose any size knee roll you prefer and to position it anywhere you like, or you may just discover you don’t need one at all.

Laminated birch wood trees (NO SYNTHETICS!), 100% pure wool flocking (NO SYNTHETICS!). Return to quality -- you will be Xtremely glad you did!

Next Gen "Xtreme" Jump Saddle - Monoflap

Fractions Matter! Pain and excessive pressure on your horse’s back and shoulders causes fatigue, inhibits ground gaining strides, and makes it much more difficult for your horse to regain balance after landing.

For the Horse: The Xcellerator helps your horse Recover Balance Quicker after landing so you save time, and your horse saves energy! Our 100% pure wool flocking and our specially designed handmade laminated birch wood trees are calibrated to provide just the right amount of torsional and vertical flexion to dampen those forces to relieve pain and minimize pressure.

For the Rider: The Xcellerator’s uniquely designed seat-to-leg flap relationship results in a much more stable leg and upper body, allowing the rider to remain perfectly balanced and to effortlessly get out of the tack and into the irons. And you will be amazed how much easier it is to let your horse out and bring him back under your seat on the lightest aids.

So, if you want more horse under you during cross country and as you enter stadium, you need an Xcellerator under you as well.

Advanced Design/Traditional Quality !
Laminated birch wood trees (NO SYNTHETICS!), 100% pure wool flocking (NO SYNTHETICS!).

Next Gen Xcellerator

With a seat that allows you to go from a sitting position to 3 point to 2 point effortlessly and a flap that provides an amazingly secure leg and doesn't pull rearward over even the most challenging obstacles. And of course featuring County's amazing all natural tree and panel designs which allow your horse to recover his balance quicker on the landing side of a jump. Less effort, less pain and more horse left for stadium

Solution Jump Saddle - Mono Flap

The Solution® features an elongated balance point to allow riders to find their perfect balance over any fence. All County saddles are handcrafted using the World's finest leather, laminated beechwood trees for feel and comfort and flocked with 100% pure wool (no preformed synthetics).

Solution Jump Saddle - Dual Flap

County's new Sensation® jumping saddle is specifically designed to provide comfort and clearance for high narrow withers like no other saddle in the world. The Sensation® is available in wider tree sizes with options to custom fit any shape horse and rider with the same great results!

Sensation Jump Saddle

Why will you love the Innovation™? If you are an instructor you will love how it puts your students leg in just the right place so they remain balanced like never before. If you are an international competitor you will love how your horse uses himself like never before. If you are a horse you will love not being in pain every time you’re tacked up. Innovation™, you will love it!

Innovation Jump Saddle

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